Superheroes Impact on Culture

They started on the pages of the newspapers, and today they break records in the box office, the comics have managed to survive until this century, and today they are devices of cultural influence and generators of high income for publishers of many sectors.

Comics brought to the big screen

Since the beginning of the 20th century, hundreds of different comic strips have been produced, starting as humor sections and then assuming a more severe and severe character. For example, Dick Tracy and the Spirit focused on the fight against crime and detective work.

The DC Comics era

The modern comic, as such, began with the classic superhero comic book, being the first DC superhero comic book, Action Comics # 1 that redefined the idea of comics by moving from newspaper pages to small books or comics.

Action Comic # 1 introduced the popular Superman figure, which quickly became a legend by being immortalized in different media such as radio, cartoons, and later in movies.


The first appearance of Superman outside of the pages of the comics were produced in 1940 in the form of a radio program running as a serial.

World War II and the Cold War played a key role

World War II was in the minds of many Americans, and comic book writers corresponded with this feeling.

A new Marvel hero, Captain America, was introduced in March 1941 with a soldier who won his superheroes thanks to science, is famous for his punch to Adolf Hitler and his fight against nazis and Japanese.

The evil Hydra organization evokes what Nazism is, being the Nazi captain the number one enemy of humanity.

The Marvel Era

By The Hand of Stan Lee and several very creative writers, Marvel began to dominate the Comic universe from the 1960s with bold stories and a lot of psychological exploration in the characters, which were far from perfect because they were haunted by traumas and doubts.

The most popular character was for many years Spider-Man, but other stories of enormous popularity and draught developed among the general public, such as X –Men, The Fantastic 4, Ironman, Daredevil, Hulk and many others.

Although there was a decline in comic book sales at the end of the century, Marvel and DC managed to survive and continue to produce their characters and plots.

The comic on the big screen

Today the comic industry is once again booming with comic characters thanks to the media.


During the last decades in many films, comic books have been box office hits, and Marvel, with their franchises remarkable, has scored a resounding success in the hand of the X-Men, Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Deadpool, Guardians of the Galaxy, and especially the Avengers.

On the DC Comics side, Batman is the leading sales Hook, and very soon, the Justice League is expected to be a competition for The Avengers.

The great cinema also depends on superheroes so that there is not yet a roof over the popularity and cultural impact of these unique beings.